1. 就读柏林洪堡大学所有专业的外国学生,特别是来自中欧、东欧、独联体、以色列和美国的留学生。
2. 必须是在桉学习超过三个学期(18个月)。
3. 精通德语。
4. 良好的学习记录。
5. 27周岁以下的学生(1981年9月1曰后出生)。
The scholarship provides
1. An opportunity to study at Humbo1dt~UniversitSt zu Berlin or one of its partner universities for one year.
2. A monthly stipend of 700 Euro for 11 months (01.09~31.07).
3. Upon request, reservation of a room in a student dormitory.
4. A subsidy towards travel expenses.
5. A one~month German language course before the beginning of the winter semester.
6. Program of social and cultural activities offered throughout the academic year.